EduWave - Unified platform for all educational courses

A unique educational platform where everyone can take courses from qualified authors. Sell your course easily, fast, and without your efforts. Monetize your knowledge with our fully automated platform. Apply to be an instructor now!

Learn or teach anything and anywhere

If you are a learner, find your favorite courses from your favorite authors and start expanding your knowledge now! If you are an instructor, start making and selling your courses!

Simple and convenient

Our platform has a very simple and easy design. We provide with wide range of opportunities with understandable functions.

Personal trackings

Both instructors and students have their own profile and can track their progress, store their information, and much more!

Opportunity for growth

Expand your knowledge and expertise in a particular area to earn money and have freedom in terms of time, location, and finances!

Global Reach

Learn anything, anywhere and any time. Courses are available all around the world, allowing you to learn with just a laptop or phone!

Get more sales, reduce teaching costs, moves fast, and avoid risks

A huge step towards the successful life just with your knowledge.

What it's like to be an instructor?

Create easily and sell your educational courses to your audience. Grow your personal brand by using our simple platform and sharing your knowledge with others!

Read about the benefits of being a course maker on EduWave

Read more about our platform

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